Cheesy Sweet Potato Bites


A few weeks ago I noticed a post on one of my favourite blogs that sounded so good I just had to make it! Tina over at Carrots ‘n’ Cake was raving about a recipe she’d come across (How Sweet It Is) involving sweet potatoes, cheese and rosemary. They sounded so delicious I headed straight for the kitchen where I was thrilled to discover we had pretty much all the ingredients!


We didn’t have any parmesan so I used cheddar, and I used a whole egg instead of liquid egg whites because if I’m honest, I only remembered I was meant to use just the white after I’d put it all in! Hate when that happens.

They were so easy to make and made the house smell incredible as they were cooking! One thing I will say though is I added slightly too much rosemary and as me and my boyfriend were munching away on them in the garden, they started to get a bit overpowering and we had to stop. Which was probably a good thing as I could quite easily have demolished the entire batch and nipped back into the kitchen to repeat the whole process multiple times. So next time I make them I will go easy on the rosemary as it turns out less really is more! I urge you to try these out though, they make the perfect pre-dinner drinks accompaniment! I think they’d also be great really tiny as well, little bite-sized crispy mouthfuls!


Peanut Butter Toast

Oh peanut butter toast, how I love thee, let me count the ways!



I have always been a fan of the nutty wonder product, but when eaten spread on fresh hot toast it reaches astounding new levels of pleasantness. It becomes melty, smeary and creamy with the added bonus of removing the threat of the dreaded “stuck to roof of mouth” syndrome which sadly puts so many people off PB. I prefer crunchy PB but smooth can work just as well if preferred. Normally I eat this as it comes but sometimes I add a thin layer of jam (seedless, raspberry!) or Nutella if I’m feeling particularly devilish.


The perfect snack for when it’s too late for breakfast but too early for lunch, too late for lunch but too early for dinner…

…or simply before bed when all that will satisfy is a creamy, crunchy, carby slice of deliciousness!